MLB The Show 22 Will Run at Dynamic 4K and 60 FPS on PS5 and Xbox Series X

Similar to last year's game, MLB The Show 22 will target a dynamic 4K resolution and 60 frames per second on new-gen machines.

MLB The Show went multiplatform with its Xbox launch last year, and will be expanding its horizons even further with its Switch debut in a couple of months- but of course, those who’re planning on playing MLB The Show 22 on the most powerful consoles available on the market, solid performance and fidelity are going to be key. There’s some happy information on that front.

As revealed via the game’s Xbox Store and PlayStation Store pages, on both the Xbox Series X and PS5, MLB The Show 22 will run at dynamic 4K and 60 FPS- which doesn’t come as a surprise, since that was what last year’s game targeted as well. Of course, MLB The Show 21 was known to run a little better on PS5 than it did on Xbox Series X, so it should be interesting to see if that’s the case with its successors as well. It should also be interesting to see what frame rates and resolutions MLB The Show 22 targets on the Nintendo Switch and its different modes.

MLB The Show 22 is out for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on April 5.

mlb the show 22ps5SIE San DiegosonyXbox Series X