Modern Warfare 4 Script leaked, supposedly a 2013 game

So yeah, hope you are excited.

It seems we already know what will supersede Black Ops 2 next year, as if it wasn’t logical enough in the first place. It’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 from Infinity Ward, of course it isn’t confirmed yet, but we have some leaked details thanks to Siliconera.

The game will feature a battle hardened veteran with a nihilistic point of view. Seems generic and hope it’s not as generic as Nihilistic’s CoD game for the PS Vita.

Here’s the leaked script for the game:

“Reminds you of Phuket, doesn’t it? Only this time the dust gives you cancer… OK, park yourself and get ready. When this thing kicks off, put a hole in anything that moves.”

“This is Sentinel Zero One, successful crypto change on C2 net break, requesting immediate update of blue force picture and status of artillery, over. I have you broken and unreadable, I say again, requesting updates to friendly positions and status of arty support. Do you read, over?”

“We’ve got KVA on the move! They’re going to strongpoint the main gate, ETA two mikes! We’re providing support for our heavy rollers! Ready up and let’s move!”

“Goliath, this is Sentinel Zero One! We have enemy armor at the gate, hundred meters north of our position! Requesting close-air grid mark three-one-six!”

 Captain Soap McTavish could be back as well so who knows.

Infinity WardModern Warfare 3pcps3xbox 360