Alongside a new showing of Monster Hunter Wilds during Gamescom, Capcom, courtesy of IGN Japan, have also released a smaller 15-minutes-long showcase video, letting us get a closer glimpse at some of the smaller aspects of the upcoming title.
Along with showing us the core gameplay of hunting monsters, the video also gives us a look at other aspects of the title, such as inventory management, how the new item bar works, and more.
When it comes to the act of hunting monsters, the video shows us gameplay of the Switchaxe, which is a relatively fast-paced weapon that can transform between an axe mode and a sword mode.
Capcom just wrapped up two weeks of releasing short showcase trailers for each of the 14 weapon types that will be available in Monster Hunter Wilds, with the latest and final one being for the Lance and the Dual Blades.
Monster Hunter Wilds is coming to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S in 2025.