Monster Hunter World PC Will Receive Lunastra, Deviljho Post-Launch

These updates will be on a "shorter cycle" than consoles to enable PC players to receive them faster.

Capcom recently announced that Monster Hunter World would be coming to PC via Steam on August 9th. Both the Standard and Deluxe Editions are currently in the Top Sellers list for Steam, so clearly the announcement went down well. However, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto has clarified a couple of things that PC players should know before the game releases.

Speaking to PC Gamer, Tsujimoto revealed that monsters like Deviljho and Lunastra – both free post-launch content – would be arriving after the PC version’s release rather than with it. The good news is that you won’t have to wait long to get them. “They will be updates after launch,” Tsujimoto said. “We are planning to release the updates that came to console on a shorter cycle so you can get your hands on them quicker.”

Will there be a different cycle for updates compared to consoles? Tsujimoto said this will be the case for now. “I want to synch these up as much as possible, but as mentioned previously regarding title updates, the differences in versions between platforms may prevent them being completely the same time.”

The same doesn’t quite apply to balance patches, since PC-specific bugs will facilitate patches coming out for the platform as soon as possible. “It’s very difficult to say yes or no to that as it will be a case-by-case situation. If we find bugs that are happening only on PC for example, or issues arising after a title update, then we would put patches out on each platform as soon as possible.

“If there was an issue common to all platforms, however, doing it piecemeal would be less preferable than fixing every version at the same time so that everyone has the same experience.”

Going back to the lack of the free monsters at launch, it’s not the worst thing for the PC version. As such players will take time to complete the rest of the game and create builds capable of taking them on. So in the meantime, enjoy the ride – there will be more when you’re done (and hopefully soon).

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