New Alien: Isolation Screenshots Are Visually Stunning

Graphics and potential plot spoilers.

All new set of screenshots were released for the upcoming Alien: Isolation, giving us all out best yet look at what we can expect both graphically, and somewhat in terms of story for the upcoming entry in the Alien series.

First off, the graphics look to be the best we’ve seen from anything alien-related thus far. In particular one of the shots features one of our titular Aliens, and man does it look mean. Every grotesque vein and drop of drool is perfectly rendered, making for an intense and scary image. As of yet it’s difficult to say whether this image is from actual in-game footage or is lifted from a cinematic.

As far as what can be inferred from these images in terms of the game’s story, it looks like it’s safe to say that—like the original Alien film—the game will center around a protagonist stuck on a ship with one of the aliens. The game’s title, Alien: Isolation, further suggests that the theme of being trapped alone will be incorporated into the game.

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