New Enlighten Trailer Showcases Lighting Technology in Upcoming AAA Games

Mirror's Edge, Star Wars: Battlefront and other titles are on full display.

Enlighten Games July 2013 from Geomerics on Vimeo.

Geomerics, known for their lighting technology Enlighten which has been used for games like Battlefield 4, recently released a new trailer showcasing the use of said lighting in upcoming blockbusters. The list is awfully crowded and included next generation and current generation titles such as Star Wars: Battlefront, Need for Speed: Rivals, Mirror’s Edge, Dragon Age III: Inquisition, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified more.

The trailer showcases the power of Global Illumination, which allows for a more realistic lighting experience as light bounces off several objects before reaching the observer. Of course, the full power of Enlighten is yet to be realized as the next generation of consoles like the PS4 and Xbox One draw nearer.

To learn more about Enlighten and just what the technology will be capable of – as well as thoughts on the current and upcoming innovations happening in video game lighting – check out our interview with Geomerics COO Chris Doran.

EnlightenGeomericsLighting technologynext gen consolesps4Xbox One