New Metal Gear Solid V Trailer Is Back To Crediting Hideo Kojima

A Hideo Kojima game again.

When news broke of Hideo Kojima leaving Konami last week once The Phantom Pain was done, it was largely speculated that the split between the two parties was acrimonious- one of the reasons for this was that all the marketing material for the game had scrubbed Kojima’s name clean off, meaning that Metal Gear Solid V was no longer being credited as ‘A Hideo Kojima game.’

This latest trailer may just put some rest to that speculation, as it does feature a credit for Kojima again. While there is always the possibility that it was produced before the so called split between Konami and Kojima, that would raise the question as to why Konami simply didn’t have his name removed from it before sending it out to the wild.

As for the trailer itself, you can see it above.

Metal gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain launches on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4 on September 1, with a PC release following on September 15.

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