New patch for Awesomenauts adds female characters; patch notes included

Awesomenauts is a pretty good game as you can conclude from our review here, but there was one thing missing in the game – female characters. That has been rectified with the latest patch, where developer Ronimo Games, has detailed the new females you get to play as.

They also indirectly revealed that the game is healthy and has a 1.5 million playerbase. The patch will be available on 23rd July for PSN and Xbox Live.

“So it has been settled that with Coco Nebulon the first female Awesomenaut will be released with the upcoming patch. With her psycho-electric melee abilities she will be a fierce enemy for the boys. Ronimo also decided it would be cool to have another character added – once they were at it,” the developer said

“His name is Zork. Derpl Zork. The nephew of Blabl Zork, president of Zork Industries, Derpl lacks his uncle’s business-smarts. In fact he lacks any kind of smarts: His IQ is even rated under the level of plankton in the official galaxial IQ test. He loves hunting cats, though, utilizing his combat walker to increase effectiveness.”

Patch notes can be found here, which contains some improvements for the game.

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