New Trailer For Crimes and Punishments: Sherlock Holmes Challenges You To Perfect The Art of Subversion

Elementary, my dear Watson.

Sherlock Holmes is known as the world’s greatest detective, but he didn’t just get to that title by being very smart and observant- one of his chief and notable skills was his ability to blend in via ingenuous disguises, which let him be at the right place at the right time, and gather the information and intel he needed.

And it looks like the new Sherlock Holmes game, Crimes and Punishments: Sherlock Holmes, will indeed be integrating this disguise mechanic into its gameplay, which personally, to me, as a fan of both Sherlock Holmes, and of detective games, sounds awesome as all hell, especially since it opens up the possibilities of gameplay so much more.

The trailer promises that investigations take on a new lease of life as soon as disguises are thrown into the mix, and that should indeed make this game even more compelling than its already excellent predecessor was.

It launches this year on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and PC. Stay tuned.

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