Nintendo Puts Out Video Teaching Players How To Trade In Their Nintendo Switch

Now why would they do that? Could the elusive Switch revision be on the horizon?

Rumours of a new model of the Nintendo Switch have been popular for almost as long as the Switch has been out. It makes sense—Nintendo likes putting out revisions of its handheld hardware (just ask the 3DS, which had five revisions on top of the original model), and the Switch is at least half a portable.

Plus, even in the home console market, we have seen Sony and Microsoft demonstrate that console revisions can be successful, with the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X. Surely a Switch revision will happen, right? After all, where there is smoke, there is fire.

While this is in no way confirmation of that happening, Nintendo’s newest video doesn’t seem to do anything to quell that kind of speculation. This video, you see, walks Switch owners through preparing their systems for a trade in.

Now, Nintendo obviously doesn’t want players trading in their Switch towards a different system. It’s working under the assumption that players are trading in their Switch for another Switch. And to be fair, they have enough bundles coming out this year with special edition Switch consoles that someone might be tempted to trade in their regular model for one of those.

Maybe that’s all it is. Or maybe it’s also going to culminate in a new Switch model next year. You can see the video for yourself below.

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