NVIDIA GeForce Driver 388.43 Is Game Ready for DOOM VFR

Fighting hellspawn, in VR.

15 Cool Features In The Upcoming DOOM15 Cool Features In The Upcoming DOOM

In December, Bethesda and id Software are releasing DOOM VFR, a VR adaptation of their utterly fantastic reboot of DOOM that they released last year. The prospect of having DOOM adapted to VR is a tempting one, of course- it’s a labyrinthine first person shooter with high octane action and a dizzying sense of speed. It sounds like it would be perfect for VR, while also perfect for making people nauseous in VR.

At any rate, it is the second big game Bethesda as adapted for VR, after Skyrim launched on PlayStation VR this month; it is, therefore, a landmark release for the fledgling medium, which so far has wanted in the way of big, appealing games that might make players look into investing into it.

Nvidia is getting in on the action with its latest GeForce Driver update. Update 388.43 includes game ready drivers for DOOM VFR– so if you intend on immersing yourself in the portals of hell, make sure you have this update downloaded, okay? You can get it from NVIDIA’s GeForce experience or via NVIDIA’s driver page right here.

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