Phil Spencer Clarifies Stance on Xbox Anywhere, Promises Wheelchairs For Xbox Avatars

Apparently, the aim is to have all Microsoft franchises, if not games, on Xbox One and Windows 10.

xbox play anywherexbox play anywhere

Yesterday, we learned that Microsoft were backing down from what was otherwise looking to be their boldest move in years, when we learned that Microsoft had changed the wording of the Xbox Anywhere program so that it no longer implied Xbox and Windows versions of all Microsoft games- so the promise of all Microsoft games going forward being on PC was one that Microsoft were already unwilling to honor.

Today, Phil Spencer clarified that on Twitter, and… yup, it seems as though yesterday’s retraction still holds. Spencer’s wording said that all Microsoft franchises would be coming to Xbox and Windows, as opposed to all games, which was the original promise of Xbox Anywhere- so, for instance, Halo 6 might not come to Windows 10 PCs, but Microsoft would consider Halo Wars 2 adequate representation of that franchise on the platform. This is a shame, and definitely far less ambitious and audacious than what had been promised.

In other news, Spencer also seems to be hinting that disabled gamers may be getting some more representative avatars on Xbox Live soon. Responding to a tweet, Spencer noted that avatars with wheelchairs was something that Microsoft had already looked at, and that it was hopefully not too far off in the future.

So that’s good news right there, definitely, and it is something that Microsoft deserve to be commended on.

Microsoftpcwindows 10xbox anywhereXbox One