Portal 2 “probably” Valve’s last game with an isolated single-player experience

Portal 2 is one of the strongest game of the year contenders and if you have doubts about that, then you should read our review of the PC version.  Now according to respected journalist  Geoff Keighley’s Final Hours of Portal 2 , Portal 2 will probably be Valve’s last game with an isolated single-player experience.

In a new blog by Geoff, where he has answered numerous questions by Portal 2 fans, he had the following to say to a reader Dan:

Dan asks, “At the very end of the article you write that ‘Portal 2 will probably be Valve’s last game with an isolated single-player experience.’…Was this based on reading general industry trends, or something specific you heard from Valve?”

Geoff: Good eye! This is coming from Valve, although I don’t have a lot more to share other than what is in the story. I agree it’s a provocative statement, especially given the amazing single player storyline in Portal 2. Keep in mind Valve said “probably,” so I get the feeling that this could change.

Now if you observe he actually confirms that this is coming directly from Valve. It will be interesting to see if the same logic applies to Half Life 3/Half Life 2: Episode 3.

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