Portal 2’s Puzzle Maker allows users to publish co-op test chambers

Valve has announced a free update to Portal 2’s in-game puzzle maker which now allows users to publish their own co-op test chambers. This is quite an amazing achievement and shows Valve’s dedication in enhancing their game and increasing the userbase.

The update also brings a quick play feature which allows players to access the top-rated maps in various categories. Valve has also announced that every Portal 2 owner will receive a Steam coupon for 75%, so that they can get more players playing Portal 2.

Since its release on the PC and Mac in May, 2012, community map makers have used the Steam Workshop and Portal 2’s in-game editor – called the Perpetual Testing Initiative – to create and share more than 170,000 single-player test chambers. With this update, the community will for the first time be able to design puzzles that require two players working cooperatively to solve.

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