Project Spark Invites You to Make Your Own Adventures…Starring CONKER

The mischievous squirrel is finally back!

Team Dakota could’ve gotten away with its initial E3 trailer for Project Spark, showcasing a creation tool suite that allows you to make and play tons of games with a variety of creators. It could’ve enticed us with the concept of cooperative play, huge galaxies and a wide span of titles all available for the taking.

But then they threw Conker in and told us we could make our own game with him.

That right there is a win if there ever was one.

Project Spark has been in beta for PC and Xbox One and is already available to download. It will also be out on the Xbox 360 though PC players will need Windows 8 installed to enjoy it (curse you Microsoft!). What are your thoughts on the game especially with Conker the Squirrel having made his return? Let us know in the comments below what you think and stay tuned for more information.

Update: Added Screenshots.

e3 2014MicrosoftpcProject SparkTeam Dakotaxbox 360Xbox One