PS Plus Hits 36 Million Subscribers

PS Plus is moving from strength to strength.

Sony has had a bumper harvest this year overall. On the heels of their announcement that the PS4 has shipped over 94 million units worldwide, or that PSN alone made more money than all of Nintendo did in 2018, they have also announced that they now have the highest number of paying PS Plus subscribers that they have ever had.

The company revealed in its earnings report that there are now 36 million PS Plus subscribers. This is across PS3, PS Vita, and PS4, but given that PS3 and PS Vita are legacy systems (and that PS Plus will stop supporting them from next month onwards), it’s a fair assumption to suppose that the bulk of these subscribers come from PS4, where PS Plus is needed to play online.

It’s a good total, and I can only imagine it will continue to grow from here on out. Totals like these explain why Nintendo has jumped on board the paid subscription model too—as of last count, they had 8 million paying subscribers for Nintendo Switch Online already.

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