Quantum Break’s TV Inspired Storytelling Style Will Be Used In Remedy’s Next Game Too

'Our next game will be an evolution of these lessons learned.'

The live action TV inspired episodic format for storytelling that Remedy used for Alan Wake, and are apparently going all in on with the upcoming Xbox One exclusive Quantum Break will become a mainstay of the studio’s future projects, with Remedy planning to use it in all of their games going forward.

After Quantum Break, Remedy’s next game will only build on this design approach, according to the developer. “We have always wanted to push the storytelling in games,” Remedy’s art director Saku Lahtinen told Xbox Achievements.

Alan Wake taught us to take inspiration from TV shows. Quantum Break builds on that foundation and we have taken many steps in the field of character and face technology to be even better at relaying the story.

“We have learned to work with international stars, bridging storylines and an actual live-action element.” The next Remedy game will try to iterate on all this.

“My hunch is that our next game will be an evolution of these lessons learned, rather than attempting to conquer even more new ground,” Lahtinen said.

Alan Wake’s storytelling style greatly appealed to me, though I do think Remedy could have gone further with it- hopefully, Quantum Break realizes that promise when it launches in April this year.

alan wakeMicrosoftpcQuantum BreakRemedyxbox 360Xbox One