Bethesda today announced a three-issue comic book series based on RAGE. This original miniseries is being written by Arvid Nelsion, the acclaimed creator of Rex Mundi, and penciled by Andrea Mutti (DMZ). The cover art is being created by Glenn Fabry, best known for his work on Hellblazer and Preacher. Set prior to the events in the game, the comics are an extension of the RAGE universe and will provide numerous insights into the game’s storyline. The first of the three comics will be available in North America and the UK on June 22, 2011.
This comic series, developed with the direct participation of RAGE’s creative director, Tim Willits, presents a new twist on the post-apocalyptic near future as one woman discovers that the survival of humankind doesn’t necessarily mean the survival of humanity. The Earth has been devastated by a collision with an asteroid, with a tiny fraction of the population surviving in life-sustaining Arks buried deep below its surface. Those who survive emerge to find a wasteland controlled by a global military dictatorship called the Authority. But a rescued scientist learns that the Authority has lied to her and the other survivors about how this new world came to be.
We will keep you updated on how this one turns out.