Remedy Entertainment Exec Explains Why There Still Isn’t An Alan Wake 2 Yet

"You need the right funding. You need the right concept," says Sam Lake.

Alan Wake fans are getting a bit anxious about the possibility of an Alan Wake 2 ever actually becoming a reality. Considering the game has been talked about and teased for the better part of at least two years it would seem as though fans have a right to be nervous. Still, Remedy entertainment lead developer Sam Lake says he believes the company will indeed eventually make the sequel and recently talked about why it is taking so long to make a reality.

Dualshockers reports Lake was talking at a masterclass lecture held at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris and he seemed to largely blame funding and potential partners for the holdup. Lake claimed Remedy was ready to make Alan Wake 2 right after Alan Wake, but there weren’t any publishers willing to partner on the project. He also said that when Remedy and Microsoft did finally partner again, that partnership led to another title he’s still pretty excited about.

“We tried to create Alan Wake 2 right after Alan Wake, and obviously you need the right partner. You need the right funding. You need the right concept.”

“We were looking into it. We were doing prototypes. We were doing demos and experimenting on that, and it was really through that discussions, that eventually with Microsoft, that we had partnered with for Alan Wake, led into the idea of Quantum Break, but it felt like Alan Wake at that time wouldn’t work, in the way we wanted it, at that time, to work,” Lake said.

Quantum Break is coming to the Xbox One on April 5, 2016 but for now, Alan Wake 2 is something fans of the original are just hoping will happen someday.

Alan Wake 2MicrosoftQuantum Breakremedy entertainmentXbox One