Resident Evil 6: Shinji Mikami Does Not Like Where the Series is Heading

Shinji Mikami the creator of Resident Evil does not like where the current series is heading without his input, and he has revealed that Capcom offered him Resident Evil 5 which he did not play for a long time because it was created by someone else.

Resident Evil 6 is the latest installment in the critically acclaimed franchise and it’s a bit on the action side. There’s a reason for this however as Capcom has revealed that true horror games don’t have a market and it’s imperative to add action sequences to make it more accessible and also sell more.

“Yes, that’s right. That’s the problem,” he told CVG, when asked whether people are sick of zombies and movies. “When I saw the trailer for 6, it looks as though it’s more like a Hollywood action film than a zombie game. Well, that’s just the trailer mind you.”

“I didn’t play Resident Evil 5 until a year ago, which was long after it came out. They sent me a copy, but I didn’t open it for a long time. Whether the game was good or bad, I knew that someone other than me had made it so it would be different to my style. I didn’t like the idea of that.

“I’m not especially happy or sad about it. I think they’re working very hard on it. The guys at Capcom are working hard.”

You can check out a direct feed capture of the demo in case you wanna know why he called it an Hollywood action film.

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