Resident Evil 7 Banned Footage Vol. 1 DLC Trailer Arrives

First DLC out today for PS4.

Capcom’s Resident Evil 7 will be receiving its first DLC pack today with Banned Footage Vol. 1. Naturally, a new trailer has also arrived to promote the kinds of scares that one can expect. Banned Footage Vol. 2 is out on February 14th and both arrive for PS4 first.

Season Pass holders can receive both packs for free. Otherwise, Banned Footage Vol. 1 costs $9.99 and features two new chapters – Bedroom, where you must escape and not let Marguerite Baker catch you and Nightmare, which involves battling waves of foes till dawn. It also features an extra mode called Ethan Must Die that’s separate from the main story/tapes and boasts a higher difficulty.

The Season Pass for Resident Evil 7 costs $30 and includes an as-of-yet unnamed story chapter. Free DLC will also be coming in Spring so stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, let us know below what you think of the new chapter.

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