Resident Evil 7 Demo Modded To Be Playable In Third Person

Nearly Headless Nick.

Resident Evil 7Resident Evil 7

Resident Evil 7 marks an important point for Capcom’s survival horror franchise- it will be the first game in the series that is played from the first person perspective, presumably injecting a dose of horror back into proceedings that have gotten increasingly diluted by an action oriented focus. But one must never underestimate the craftiness of PC gamers- one of them has managed to mod the Resident Evil 7 demo into being playable entirely from the third person perspective.

It’s fascinating how well the animations are modelled, because the game looks to be eminently playable in the third person viewpoint. Well, except for one little hitch- it doesn’t look like Ethan, the protagonist, has a head- that looks to be the one thing that Capcom have not designed for the game. So, that’s alarming. Certainly adds horror to the proceedings, that’s for sure.

Check out a video showcasing third person gameplay below. Resident Evil 7 will launch later this month on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

[Thanks PCGamer]

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