Resident Evil 7 Teaser Offers Brief Look At Guns, Inventory Management

Limited slots encourage smart item management.

Capcom’s Resident Evil 7 isn’t like previous entries in the series. Taking place from a first person perspective and featuring a new protagonist, the survival horror title will take the series back to its more terrifying roots. It’s not like guns are completely gone from the game though – Capcom has discussed weapons several times and even released a new teaser for guns. Check it out below.

Though short, the teaser does display the shotgun and handgun that players can use along with the inventory management system. As with previous games, there are appear to be limited spaces in one’s storage so you’ll have to be careful about the items that you keep.

Resident Evil 7 is out on January 24th 2017 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It will also release for PlayStation VR though reports indicate a one year timed exclusivity for Sony’s platform. What are your thoughts on the game thus far? Let us know below.

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