Resonance of Fate 4K / HD Edition’s PC Version Will Get High Res Textures as Free DLC

This is in an attempt to control the game’s file size.

Square Enix has announced that high res textures for the PC version of the upcoming Resonance of Fate 4K/HD, the remaster of the flawed but fan favorite RPG from the previous decade, will get high res textures as a free add-on pack. Their reasoning for this is admittedly sound—it’s to do with file sizes.

In an era when file sizes are getting obscenely massive, developer tri-Ace wanted to keep the file size of Resonance of Fate 4K/HD under control. By separating the high resolution textures, the game file size comes to a paltry 16GB. Of course, once those are installed, the file size is a far more insane 83GB.

The good news is that if you want to play the game, and don’t particularly care for the high res enhancements, then you can do so without any issues. Otherwise, I guess, it’s not like this is any different in terms of total download time than it would have been if you had had to download an 83GB file to begin with.

pcps4Resonance of Fate 4K/HD EditionSquare Enixtri-Ace