Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Inspired by Disney Movies

Includes "full-blown musical number".

Though it’s a far cry away from Saints Row 5, Volition’s Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell is still a significant addition to the franchise, even as a standalone expansion. It’s also one of the few games out there that takes many cues from Disney movies, especially with the inclusion of a musical number – something the team has been wanting to do since Saints Row IV started development.

Speaking to Destructoid, creative director Steve Jaros said, “I’m pretty certain that we’ll be the only open-world game that comes out with a full-blown musical number in the middle of the critical path.

“One of the things that we lean on [heavily] for inspiration for this is Disney movies. I’m a big Disney fan. For instance, if you remember stuff like in Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella, the beginning of the movies [have] the ornate story book that opens up. It’s illuminated text and story-book pictures, and a narrator – that’s kind of our story structure. Jane Austen narrates you through this fairy tale; [Satan’s daughter] Jezebel is very much a sort of Disney princess.”

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell will be out in January 2015 for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC along with Saints Row IV: Re-Elected, an Xbox One and PS4 port of the 2013 title.

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