Silent Hill S Revealed, Kojima And Guillermo del Toro Involved

The troll master reveals his next big venture in his own style.

At their Gamescom presentation, Sony announced a new, baffling project that was called, enigmatically enough, P.T. Sony and Hideo Kojima (who debuted it) also released a demo for it on PSN right then and there, and if and when you complete the demo, it appears that the game is revealed to be a brand new Silent Hill game.

That’s already awesome, right? Wait, it gets better. It appears that this brand new Silent Hill game is under development from none other than Hideo Kojima himself, the mad genius who brings us the excellent looking Metal Gear Solid games, and who was responsible for overseeing Castlevania’s successful transition into 3D. Even better- it appears that Guillermo del Toro is working on it, you guys.

This has not yet been confirmed, mind you, but we’ll keep you posted on any official (and unofficial) developments. Meanwhile, you can try to see this for yourself in the embedded video above.

GamesComhideo kojimaP.T.ps4Silent HillSilent Hill Ssony