Sleeping Dogs “Can Launch a New Franchise” According to Square-Enix

Square Enix UK sales manager Andrew Larcombe spoke to MCV about the positive reception that Sleeping Dogs is getting from both the critical and commercial bases of gaming/

He stated that, “We are extremely pleased with the opening weekend of Sleeping Dogs and it’s great to see that players are clearly enjoying the fantastic new features it brings to the genre.

“The market has been quiet recently, but we’re confident that Sleeping Dogs is a game that you will ‘have to have’ and the buzz it’s generating across the forums is a strong sign it can continue to stay near the top of the charts through the peak period.”

But that’s not all: He also dropped hints of Sleeping Dogs possibly becoming a franchise in the near future.

“There’s always at least one new IP every year that catches people off guard and can launch a new franchise and we think this is the one.” Strong words, but if it gets us a great series of games, why not?

pcps3sleeping dogsSquare EnixUnited Front Gamesxbox 360