Sleeping Dogs PC version had the full backing of Square Enix

Square Enix was instrumental behind the stellar PC port of Sleeping Dogs.

Wanna know why Sleeping Dogs was so great on the PC? It’s because publisher Square Enix greenlighted a lot of resources for developer United Front Games to utilize. Hence, the goodies like high res texture pack and incredible visual fidelity can be seen on that version.

“Very early on in development, we wanted to create a PC-specific version. We always had that planned. When the game changed hands from Activision to Square Enix, Square was incredibly supportive of the PC version and actually wanted us to do more with it,” senior producer Jeff O’Connell told the PA Report.

“It was at that point that we began to focus more resources on the PC version and it became what it is. We had to have dedicated resources internally in terms of engineering, project management, and UI.

“We had to have dedicated testing, and we had to draw from our console team in particular in the rendering areas and the oversight of all the tech to make sure the PC version was everything it could be.”

It’s a fantastic game, too, as you can see from our glowing review here.

pcps3sleeping dogsSquare EnixUnited Front Gamesxbox 360