SOE to Use PlanetSide 2 Engine For All Future Products

This will allow for creating new MMORPGs faster.

The success of PlanetSide 2 and the overall power of the new ForgeLight engine used for the game has prompted Sony Online Entertainment to use it for every product going forward.

Senior art director Tramell Isaac stated to ShackNews that “Every internal product that we make from here on out will use ForgeLight.

“We can put 2000 people on a server, and we can have all those guys running at 60fps. We can have upwards of 200 on screen at one time. You can’t do that with any other MMO, period. You just can’t do that. Then on top of that, you can do it with visual fidelity that’s comparable with any other first person shooter out there.”

This will allow the developer to “easily pump out new MMOs in the future.” And considering the results, we can’t really fault them for doing so. Hopefully they won’t reuse the same engine for the next six games like some franchises (*cough*Call of Duty*cough*).

ForgelightindustrymmorpgpcPlanetside 2SOEsony