Sony Dev To Microsoft Exec During E3: “You Won the Games, We Won The Gamers”

'Everyone's reaction at the office after the flaming outcry the day after E3 was quite moot.'

An Xbox One developer – who of course remained anonymous but is still very much confirmed to be involved with the next generation console’s game development – recently took to Reddit for an AMA to answer any and all questions.

One of the more interesting questions was regarding the reaction at the office after the outcry at E3. This was when Microsoft announced the price of its Xbox One to be $499, and still very much having its DRM intact. However, as the dev iterates, “It was quite moot. One of our execs had mentioned a Sony dev came up to him at E3 and told him you won the games, we won the gamers.”

As our Microsoft E3 2013 review indicates, Xbox One indeed had many games on the show but it was overshadowed by Jack Tretton’s epic 2 minute speech about DRM. You can check the speech below.

The developer also revealed some other details, including the Snapping for the Xbox One interface which allows one to use multiple applications at once, with each taking up a small amount of space on one’s screen. “Snapping is only available to certain apps such as IE, Skype, the game DVR upload tool, etc. Game titles cannot be snapped. I have not tried TV input but I did hook up a PC to the Xbox and watched netflix while I skyped someone.”

It was also confirmed that, with regards to running a game like Killer Instinct alongside IE, that, “AAA titles cannot be snapped (shown in smaller view). IE can however be snapped to look up how to perform a combination while you play.”

Yesterday we had reported how the developer thinks that Kinect is essential to the Xbox One experience. You can read that story here.

Currently, the Xbox One is scheduled to release this November.

AAA titlese3MicrosoftSnappingsonyXbox One