Sony Wanted PS Vita Version of Titanfall, Offered to Help Development

Guess how that worked out?

It’s a well known rumour that Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall was exclusive to the Xbox One and Xbox 360 due to Sony’s inability to follow up. However, in new details revealed via Final Hours of Titanfall reveals that, due to its reluctance in revealing PS4 hardware specs to the developer, Sony was interested in having Titanfall release for the PlayStation Vita.

This was before Respawn signed with Microsoft and had reached out to Sony to find out more about the PS4’s specs. Sony was interested in aiding development if Titanfall was to come to the Vita, but obviously that didn’t work out.

There are ton of details revealed by the Final Hours app, including how Activision’s ongoing lawsuit with Respawn founders Vince Zampella and Jason West prompted several team members to be taken off development duty for several periods. It nearly caused the game’s downfall but in the end, Respawn prevailed.

Titanfall is currently available on Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC, and will be seeing new DLC in May with Expedition.


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