Square Enix Accidentally Sells Retailer Exclusive DLC For Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13

The internet calls for the abolishment of retailer-exclusive DLC

DLC is quite the controversial topic in gaming today. While it’s fantastic that games can now be patched and updated, and new content can continually come out for our favorite games, the sword’s double edge lies in the oftentimes absurd pricing of said content. And further still is the sometimes retailer exclusive sale of DLC–specific retailers being the only places one can get the goods, oftentimes causing an avoidable inconvenience.

Square Enix the other day, however accidentally broke the retailer specific DLC agreement, and accidentally put the V Jump Strategy Guide Aerith Costume DLC for sale on the marketplace for their upcoming game Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

The DLC was almost immediately pulled from the marketplace, and the company issued a apology via Twitter. This has incited quite a bit of outrage from the gaming community, and is causing a stir across the Internet in calling for the elimination of retail exclusive DLC.

For more on on Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, check out game’s hub here.

Source: Joystiq

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIps3Square Enixxbox 360