Square Enix Clarifies Rise of the Tomb Raider Sequel Statement

Following statements of a trilogy, publisher reaffirms its focus on the second game

Yesterday, Square Enix Americas CEO Phil Rogers let slip that the story that began in 2013’s Tomb Raider and which continues in Rise of the Tomb Raider will be a trilogy, thus implying a third game is being planned. In a follow-up statement to GameSpot, Square Enix said that it’s focused on the upcoming sequel.

“We’re always thinking about the future of the franchise, but right now we’re focused on the upcoming release of Rise of the Tomb Raider.”

Following the success of Tomb Raider in 2013, Crystal Dynamics revealed its desire to create more games in the new series. The overall success of the first game is what prompted the development of Rise of the Tomb Raider but this time, it seems plans for a third title may already be a given.

We’ll find out as much after Rise of the Tomb Raider launches on November 10th for Xbox One and Xbox 360. It will also be out for Windows 10 in early 2016 and on PS4 in Holiday 2016.

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