The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Anniversary Edition is out next month and is essentially a super-duper re-release to celebrate the game’s 10th anniversary. Among the new content that’s being added is fishing, which allows players to go out into the world and, well, catch fish. It’s a simple but surprisingly addictive past-time for many in games.
In a new tweet, Bethesda Game Studios confirmed that you can also keep the fish you’ve caught in an aquarium. Along with different material types for the same, there’s seemingly no limit to the number of aquariums that one may have. Of course, if you want to mount fish on the wall in your Hearthfire home, that’s also possible.
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Anniversary Edition launches on November 11th for Xbox Series X/S and PS5. It will be a free upgrade for Skyrim Special Edition owners and also includes Survival Mode along with 74 different creations. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.