The Elder Scrolls 6: Should Bethesda Implement A Disguise System?

Does Tamriel need more stealthy people?

The Elder Scrolls 6 won’t be here for at least a few more years yet, but in spite of that, we’re all always thinking about what Bethesda can do to make sure that the game is an improvement on the already awesome Skyrim. There’s a lot Bethesda got right with Skyrim, and they managed to push the series to its limits in a lot of ways with the game, but there are still areas where we feel the series can improve. One such area is stealth.

The Elder Scrolls is not, obviously, a series that relies too heavily on stealth mechanics, but it does rely on them sometimes. And it’s a shame to see that stealth is handled in The Elder Scrolls rather clunkily. It is, first and foremost, very cut and dry, with not much complexity to the mechanics, not to mention the fact that the mechanics surrounding the stealth, such as how the environment or the surrounding characters react to it, are also n0t too strong.

One way to fix the stealth mechanics would be to maybe include a system based on disguises. For instance, if you want to sneak into an enemy fort or encampment, rather than having to fight your way through hoards and hoards of beasts and soldiers, imagine having the option of donning the outfit of that particular faction. It’s not an entirely groundbreaking or even unique feature, but it is something that could work very well in a game like The Elder Scrolls.

Not only would such a system help boost things like interactivity, immersion and player agency, but it would also help lend some much needed depth to the threadbare stealth mechanics we all saw in Skyrim. This is not, once again, an issue that is very pressing or in need of immediate attention from Bethesda, but it certainly is one that could use major improvements.

Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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