The Elder Scrolls 6 Should Let Players Summon Their Horses

Make it happen, Bethesda!

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Traversal is an important part of The Elder Scrolls franchise’s gameplay loop, as it is in any other open world game, and horses are one of the foundations of traversal. The horses of Skyrim are legendary in terms of their hardiness (which itself is a result of bugs and glitches) and how they can literally climb up walls, so obviously, we want to see improvements in this area when The Elder Scrolls 6 rolls around fifty thousand years from now.

And while there are many, many improvements one can think of, the one I want to talk about here is the ability to summon your horses whenever and wherever you want. It’s not really a very innovative or fresh mechanic, having been used in all sorts of open world games, from The Witcher 3 to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain to Assassin’s Creed: Origins, to the point that it’s almost become a sort of a requirement for any open world game.

It makes sense, then, that I expect this feature to be included in the next Elder Scrolls game as well. Game worlds in this series have historically been large and dense, and the ability to summon your horse whenever and wherever you want, would certainly come in handy.

This article is part of our series on Bethesda’s next big entry into the world of The Elder Scrolls. Through this series we take a look at the possible new features that Bethesda can add into the next The Elder Scrolls game, based on what they implemented in the previous entries and player feedback.

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