The Evil Within E3 2013 Gameplay Footage

New footage of Mikami's horror game shown off.

Shinji Mikami, the mastermind behind some of the best Resident Evil games, is teaming up with Bethesda to deliver a true new survival horror game experience, in light of the butchering of the genre by recent ‘horror’ games such as Dead Space 3 and Resident Evil 6. The new game, titled The Evil Within, looks to be pushing for and pursuing a true survival horror experience, with all the tension that entails. Players can check out Mikami’s new title in action themselves in the video provided above, where we are walked through the game.

The Evil Within, published by Bethesda, will be hitting the Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, and Playstation 4 sometime next year. No PC or Wii U versions have been confirmed yet. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage of the game, as more developments happen, as well as the latest and greatest news and developments from E3 as they come.

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