In case you weren’t hyped enough for The Evil Within, the upcoming psychological horror title from Shinji Mikami, then you’re in luck. Bethesda Softworks has unveiled a new trailer for the game which showcases the bizarre and twisted world which the game takes place in. Check it out above.
Though it’s very much a contemporary horror game, The Evil Within requires you to be smart. There are traps which can be triggered to kill enemies. Exploration will net you some extra ammunition and health items. However, there are also various old-school elements such as insta-deaths which can be triggered if you make one mistake during a puzzle. Mikami’s twisted title is definitely not for the squeamish.
What does the full game hold for those who fear to tread its dreaded hallways? We’ll find out when The Evil Within releases on October 14th worldwide for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC.