One of the things that made The Last of Us stand out was its writing and fantastic performances from the voice talent involved. One of those voice actors was Ashley Johnson, who played Ellie and will reprise that role for the upcoming The Last of Us Part 2. While the release date of the game is still a big question, it’s one Johnson might have let slip in a recent interview.
In a Between the Sheets interview, she discusses her role of Ellie, how the character has changed between the first and second game, and how her portrayal will reflect that. At one point in the interview, the host asks when the game will come out and she very clearly almost says February before being cut off. You can check it out below. The entire interview is worth a view, but the specific moment happens at 1:07:25.
Rumor has it that the game was meant to hit this year, but suffered an internal delay into early 2020. With Death Stranding being announced for a November release, it seems that’s pretty likely. So whether or not Johnson let it slip remains to be seen, but it’s a pretty good bet we’ll see The Last of Us Part 2 next year on PlayStation 4.