The Newest Round of Diablo 3 Bans Lead To A Leaderboard Shuffle

So that explains it.

Blizzard is pretty proactive about protecting its community from cheaters and hackers, hence the constant rounds of bans on players who they think are unfairly exploiting or gaming the system. If you are an ardent fan of Diablo III, however, you may have noticed that the leaderboard has suddenly seem some changes that you can’t quite place- that’s down to the newest round of bans issued by Blizzard.

“Some of the shifts you may be seeing on leaderboards are a direct result of a recent ban wave issued for cheating,” Blizzard said. “Players that were found to be in violation were removed from the leaderboards and other rankings have been adjusted appropriately as a result.

“This means your ranking may have increased if someone ranked above you was removed from the leaderboard.

“As we move forward to future seasons and eras, we’ll be continuing to monitor for such behavior and take appropriate action, though we may not always message when such ban waves occur.”

I just hope that they never inadvertently ban someone innocent, but apart from that, protecting the community from cheaters and hackers is something I can absolutely get behind.

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