The Witcher 3 Receiving New Quest, Skellige Armor Set DLC Free This Week

The free DLC continues to rain down from CD Projekt RED.

CD Projekt RED has finally revealed the newest DLC for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt which includes a new quest “Contract: Skellige’s Most Wanted” and a new armor set with the “Skellige Armor Set”.

The new quest appears to be a contract to hunt down a rock troll though judging from our numerous encounters with such beasts, things may not always be what they seem. The Skellige Armor set is interesting as it appears to be a new Heavy Armor set that will offer reduced damage (but reduced stamina) for combat. It also looks pretty damn cool. We’ll need to wait till it’s out to determine its functions and the various locations for finding different diagrams.

CD Projekt RED has been releasing free DLC for The Witcher 3 each week since the game’s launch with two more weeks of content to go. A new expansion will also be releasing in October 2014 with Hearts of Stone that can be purchased through the game’s expansion pass.

CD Projekt REDDLCpcps4The Witcher 3: Wild HuntXbox One