Titanfall: New Map Images And Descriptions Revealed

Have a look at the exotic locales you'll be shooting up in Respawn's FPS.

We last reported on the maps that would be present in Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall when erstwhile beta players had scoured the code and found the same names. Now, images and descriptions for each map – of which there are 15 in total – have been released, further detailing the war between the IMC and Militia.

Some of the maps are just like the names earlier revealed, while others are a tad different – Demeter was earlier revealed to be O2 – and on a whole, the descriptions amount to the cutaway information you receive when the map starts loading. None of it especially tells you what you’re in for but there are plenty of hints. For example, IMC Airbase Sierra is surrounded by local wildlife, which makes us believe we’ll be winding through trees and other structures.

Titanfall releases on March 11th in North America and March 14th in Europe for Xbox One and PC. It will also release on Xbox 360 on March 25th/28th. Will you be standing by? Let us know in the comments below.

Via: Reddit

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