Ubisoft Does Not like Kinect’s Sales Pattern

 Ubisoft has expressed disappointment when it comes to Kinect’s sales pattern. They say that Microsoft tends to sell most of the units during holidays, and neglect the other periods. According to Industrygamers, Kinect may have not sold more than 11 million units.

Why is this surprising is that, Kinect is the fastest selling consumer electronics right now, considering it sold 8 million units in two months. Microsoft hasn’t revealed the current sales of the hardware but in March 2011, it had sold 10 million units.

Ubisoft’s Vice President of Marketing, Tony Key said that Microsoft needed to find a bit more balance and sell consistently throughout the year.

“It’s not healthy to just sell in the holiday, or 90 percent of your units in the holidays. We would really like to see them have some major launches during the non-holiday part of the year.

“That will help keep the visibility of the machine high and enable better catalogue sales throughout the year, and also give us the opportunity to launch some things throughout the year, he mentioned.

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