Even as so many PS Vita games seem to be making the jump to the PS4 – Media Molecule’s charming Tearaway transitioned to the PS4 as Tearaway Unfolded, while Sony Japan’s Gravity Rush is also being remastered for Sony’s console ahead of the launch of the PS4 exclusive sequel – Sony Bend’s Uncharted: Golden Abyss remains conspicuous by its absence. The lack of a PS4 port or remaster for Golden Abyss is even more puzzling when you consider that the recently released Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection would have presented Sony with the prime opportunity to justify a PS4 port of the Vita launch title.
Even though the Nathan Drake Collection did not ultimately include a port of the Vita game, it is not entirely out of the question. Speaking to Finder, Arne Meyer, Community Strategist for Naughty Dog, hinted that a PS4 version for the game might not be entirely out of the question.
“I think that’s not completely out of the question. I mean it’s not entirely up to us, obviously. I think I was asked this at Eurogamer Expo and Shuhei Yoshida was sitting in the front row and I pitched it off on him and I was like, “you have to go talk to Shu about this,” which is what the case is. But it’s definitely not out of the question. I mean anything is possible. I know there hasn’t been talk about that recently, but there’s no reason why it can’t happen either.”
Personally, I would be pretty down for something like this, if only because I really want to play the game without any of the gimmicks that the developers felt compelled to include in it to justify the Vita’s touch screen, camera, gyroscope, and rear touch pad. I have a feeling Golden Abyss would be a better game without any of that.