Watch Dogs: Modders Partially Enable Parallax Occlusion Mapping

I have absolutely no idea what that means, but cool!

Watch Dogs was, in spite of all the hubbub and the hue and cry, and all the controversy in the lead up to its release, still a remarkably good looking game when it launched on PC last year (though that probably speaks more about its competition than it does about its own merits). That said, PC gamers are always trying to make good better, and in Watch Dogs case, the promise of the 2012 E3 demo is a dangling, tantalizing prospect that everyone wants to see fulfilled. So it is no surprise to see modders trying to maximize the graphical potential of the PC version of Watch Dogs, is it?

DSO Gaming reports that modders have now been able to at least partially re-enable parallax occlusion mapping in Watch Dogs- you can see it for yourself in the screenshot above. Parallax occlusion mapping was used in the marketing of the game, but it was nowhere to be found in the final release. Now, it seems to be back, though, again, it’s only partially re-enabled, and the modders have reminded us that this is still a work in progress.

Still, though… cool?

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