Xbox One April Update Available Today: Friend Notifications, Improved Kinect Functions and More

Microsoft's newest system update rolls out today. Check out what's in store.

The Xbox One’s April system update has begun rolling out and sees many promised features make their way to Microsoft’s next gen console, including a silent reboot for system updates.

Other new features include a game save progress bar to let you know which games and apps are being updated along with checking the progress of your saves; notifications for when friends or favourites sign into Live, along with friends in multiplayer being identified on the Friends list; improvements to Kinect voice and motion control resulting in less false positives generated by motions made by non-hand objects; better GameDVR video quality; and much more.

You can check out the full range of features on Major Nelson’s blog. Given the frequency of system updates for the Xbox One, is it too remiss to expect an update for May as well? We’ll find out in the coming weeks. Till then, let us know what you think of the April update in the comments.

April updateGameDVRKinectMicrosoftXbox LiveXbox One