Xbox Series X/S Reaches 2 Million Sales Figure in the UK Faster Than Nintendo Switch

The Xbox Series X/S may not be the most dominant console out there, but it still reached 2 million units sold in the UK quicker than the Nintendo Switch did.

Over two million units of Xbox Series X/S have been sold in the UK, according to chart company GfK (via This essentially means that Microsoft’s current generation of consoles are the eight-fastest selling in the country, counting both the Xbox Series X and the Xbox Series S as a single console.

GfK also states that, having reached the sales figure in 128 weeks, Xbox Series X/S achieved the feat faster than the Nintendo Switch, which took 140 weeks to reach the 2 million mark.

Despite the sales figure in the time span, the Xbox One still remains the fastest-selling console by Microsoft in the UK market, having reached its 2 million milestone in 104 weeks. The Xbox 360, on the other hand, took 110 weeks to reach the same figures.

For the sake of context, the fastest selling console in the UK to reach 2 million sales was the Nintendo Wii, which took 57 weeks. The PS2 is a close second place for the sales figure, hitting the mark in 60 weeks, followed by the PS4 in 75 weeks, and the current-generation PS5 in 98 weeks, tying it with the PS3.

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