Xbox’s Aaron Greenberg Congratulates Sony On PS5 Showing, Says Games Will Look Great On Xbox Series X

One to rile up the trolls.

Yesterday, after what feels like ages of waiting, we got our first look at Sony’s PS5. The company released show that had a mix of the AAA heavy hitters, such as Horizon: Forbidden West, and a host of smaller scale titles. It really was a show aimed at just about anyone and everyone, and it seems the competition was happy for them too, but they couldn’t seem to help themselves to rile up the trolls a bit.

Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg took to his official Twitter to congratulate Sony on the strong showing. Part of the tweet definitely seems to be a pat on the back. But Greenberg is also quick to mention that the variety of third party titles shown, such as Resident Evil: Village, Grand Theft Auto 5, Hitman 3, etc. are going to look great on the Xbox Series X, the world’s “most powerful console.”

While it’s almost assuredly some good natured ribbing in the end, talk about throwing red meat to the savage fanboys, huh? But hey, he’s not wrong either. All of those games will undoubtedly look great on both systems.

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