All New Screens For Alien: Isolation Leaked

They're exactly what you'd expect.

We already know that Creative Assembly has been working on an all new Alien game, Alien Isolation. This news was confirmed by some leaked screenshots and concept art which included the game’s title. Earlier today, some more screens of the game were leaked giving us our first look at what to expect once we’re actually inside and playing.

To be honest, there’s not much to be taken away from these screens that one wouldn’t already expect to see in a game set in the Alien franchise. The four screenshots appear to take place within a high-tech facility of sorts. There are advanced computer screens and doors marked “EVAC”, which leads us believe that you will likely be locked inside with Aliens.

A fourth screenshot shows two characters, both of whom are wearing space suits. Logic and expectation both point to the obvious fact that this game will likely take place in space, and that the above mentioned facility is a space station or is located on another planet.

Via: All Games Beta

Alien: IsolationCreative Assemblypcps3ps4Segaxbox 360Xbox One