Developed by a team led by the co-creators of Sonic the Hedgehog, Square Enix’s upcoming 3D action platformer Balan Wonderworld has looked like more and more of an interesting prospect the more we’ve been shown of the game. Square Enix have released a new trailer now, and that trend continues.
The trailers offers various glimpses at the bosses you’ll be coming up against, colourful and vibrant worlds you’ll be visiting, and some of the many costumes that will be available in the game, among other things. There’s plenty to look at here, so take a look below. The trailer’s in Japanese, but there’s quite a bit of gameplay footage shown off that’s easy enough to understand regardless.
Recently, the game’s ESRB age rating also revealed some details on the game’s combat, platforming, controllable mechs, and more. Get more info on that through here.
Balan Wonderworld launches on March 26, 2021 for the PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Recently, Square Enix released another brief trailer for the game in which they showed off its underwater environments. Take look through here.